Product Description
Revolutionary, is the best way to describe the Ground Blind Camera Mount. Nothing on the market allows a hunter to film a hunt from inside a blind (hub style or box blind) as easily as this innovative mount. Why not use a tripod? Simple, a tripod takes up a lot of precious floor space in your blind, and probably the window that the hunter wants to shoot through. Plus,' the Ground Blind Camera Mount from Pine Ridge Archery is much lighter at only 2 pounds. If you are not filming your hunts you are missing out!
Whether you are by yourself, with a friend or your son or daughter, having the memories of your hunt saved on tape for years to come is awesome. Imagine the joy of filming the shot on your biggest buck, or when your daughter takes her first doe. Better yet, you have the best tracking tool possible. Once you take your shot, you can rewind the tape and see exactly where you hit. This makes your tracking job much easier.
If you hunt on the ground, or in an elevated box blind, start filming your hunt with the Ground Blind Camera Mount and you will see what you've been missing.